I Wish You All The Best
Hark! I heard "Michael" > say:
> "Dave Bugg" <dbuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> ...
> > Hello-
> > This is Dave's wife Jill. I just want you to know that Dave is doing okay
> > and he is getting help. Thank you for the measures you took today to see
> > that nothing happened to him. The kids and I appreciate it. I will let
> > you know if anything changes.
> >
> > God bless,
> > Jill
Thanks for the heads-up here in RFC, Michael. I'm not an AFB regular
but I did read the thread about Dave and was so sorry to hear that he's
having such a rough time. Thank God folks cared enough to do something
for him!
Dave, if you get to see this, please remember that you're obviously very
liked, and not only here in the cooking groups. Keep your chin up, take
things slowly, and I promise from the bottom of my heart that it WILL
get better. You are not alone!!
Hugs and best wishes - Jani :-)