On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 09:17:29 -0700, Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>On 21 Dec 2006 18:12:27 -0800, "Sara Larrsen" >
>>Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>>> On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 20:52:10 -0500, TMG > wrote:
>>> >Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
>>> >> On 20 Dec 2006 09:26:45 -0500, Rich
>>> >> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>> Watch it with those racial epithets, ma'am. We do have that one
>>> >>> colored guy who reads this.
>>> >>
>>> >> Who, me? <shrug> After a while you get used to it. I know I can't
>>> >> change such narrow-minded thinking, so why get all worked up about it?
>>> >
>>> >That's what I like about you SWilson, you've considered all options and
>>> >accepted how good you (and your kind) have it.
>>> Blessed be!
>>> >Really! You're typing your liberal, colored, opinions out there for
>>> >anyone to read.
>>> >
>>> >Is this a great country, or what?
>>> As you point out, it has been very accomodating.
>>I'm sorry to inform you that your NAACP privileges have
>>been cancelled due to your misspelling of accommodating.
>>Please turn in your afro and Trojan Magnum XLS immediately.
>HAW! Shows what you know. My head is afro-free and looks like Samuel
>L. Jackson's. Also, I drive an Excalade, not a Trojan Magnum XLS,
She was jus' axin' for yer Ebonic I.D., but you know what's *really*
in the white chyk's mind!
Chris McG.
Harming humanity since 1951.
"My dog ate my gratitude journal." -- Paula
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