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T[_1_] T[_1_] is offline
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Default Another Stupidmarket Experience (kind of long)

In article >, kilikini1 says...
> I went to Publix Market today to get a good quality cheese so I can make
> Swiss cheese fondue for Christmas Eve. (Yes, Publix is the best we have
> here, before we start the gourmet debate.) I asked the deli clerk what the
> best melting Swiss cheese was because some I've gotten in the recent past
> turned to oil and glob. She looked at me and said, "I don't know, I've
> never melted cheese." Mouth agape, I questioned her response. "You mean to
> tell me, you've never melted cheese and had the oil separate from the
> solids?" There were 3 deli clerks at the counter and they were all looking
> at ME like *I* was nuts.

Welcome to minimum wage hell. But then, I don't think that is it. When I
was a kid I worked for NHD (National Hardgoods Distributors) in what was
ostensibly a hardware store.

I learned a great deal working in that store. That's why I'm not afraid
to do electrical, plumbing, painting etc. today. Of course NHD was a bit
progressive back in the early 80's - they actually trained employees.
Imagine that.