Distilling brandy
> Like I said, the fines and prison time is enough for me! I'm a
> chicken, big time!!
> The actual process, though, is not that difficult. The bp's of
> the various volities in a mash or wine are far enough apart that
> distillation can be conducted with readily avaible equipment.
> Concentrations of the bad things in moonshine relative to alcohol
> content can actually be less than wine.
I am not encouraging anyone to violate federal and state laws.
If you took a 4 liter jug of 8% (16 proof wine), distilled it
into brandy, and on the presumption that you knew what you were
doing (highly unlike for a novice), you would get less than a
liter of 32% (64 proof) brandy. If the fire department comes
out and determines the source of the fire, you will get both
persecuted and prosecuted.
If you are successful, you will less than a liter of brandy and
no way to age it unless you can find one liter casks. LoL.
A simple substitute is to mix fruit juice with a whiskey you
like and that does not cause fires. I really like that idea.
I may just ferment apple juice, add some Southern Comfort to it,
and call it Janis Joplin Applejack. But first I need to finish
off the Janis Joplin Egg Nog.
- There are old moonshiners and there are bold moonshiners.
But there are NO old, bold moonshiners.