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Edwin Pawlowski
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Default Ice Cream Question???

"Kate Connally" > wrote in message
> > >Kate Connally wrote:
> > >> >Why would you have to chisel it out? If it's kept at the
> > >> >proper temperature for ice cream it shouldn't be too hard.

Mos freezers have zones that are a bit warmer than the rest of the freezer.
I keep the ice cream on the fron of the top shelf and it is very scoopable.

> Well, that's not what happens. Besides, I believe microwaves
> supposedly heat from the inside out. Whether or not that's
> the case, in my experience, the whole contained softens almost
> equally much, given a not too large container - pint and quart
> containers work best - there is a small difference in softness
> between the outer portions and the center, but unless you
> overdo it the outer portions won't melt.

The waves penetrate about 1 1/2" into the products. Sugar and fat have an
infinity for the reaction and heat faster than other portions. The 20
second zap works well on the real hard stuff.