Cooking long grained rice question
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article . net>,
> "Jack Strickland" > wrote:
> > I love rice. I've tried different methods (cookers, pressure steamers, plain
> > old pot) and have never come up with a method that maximizes good results of
> > full cooking with a minimum of mess from boil over or burned pot bottoms.
> >
> > Any good cookers or good methods?
> >
> > thanks
> I only do it in the microwave. A 2-quart pyrex glass pitcher, 2 cups
> water, 1 cup rice. Cover (vented), and cook at full power for about
> 8-10 minutes, then reduce power to about 20-30% and nuke another 5-7
> minutes. A tsp of oil will help minimize boiling over.
> When my Slovak cousin cooks rice, she sticks half of a clove-studded
> (not too many - maybe 4-5) onion in the bottom of the pot (cut side
> down).
Hmm, how many Slovaks does it take to stud an onion? LOL