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Default BBQ Salmon Stuck, Why?

>So next time, I guess it's back to just doing it on the grill like I
>always do or using a paper towel to oil the basket completely.

Next time wrap the piece of fish in a single layer of lettuce leaf, do not make
a package, leave the sides open... may not end up with very pronounced grill
marks (can't eat grill marks) but will be more moist than when cooked directly
on the grill and will not fall apart, at all... also whatever seasoning you use
will not dribble/burn off... serve in leaf but peel back top after last flip to
prevent overcooking. Btw, many different types of leaves may be used as wrap
for grilling, the oldest method and still the best. I've attended many a
clambake where I'd wrap a whole gutted fish in seaweed and simply toss it
directly onto the hot coals... needs no seasoning whatsoever, other than

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