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Default Baby food - cooking with dried apricots

>(Rebecca) writes:
>I have found a few baby recipes (my little one is 8 months old) using
>dried apricots.
>This is going to sound really daft, but do I need to rehydrate them
>first? I only ask as they seem really rubbery dried and even mashed, I
>can't see them being chewable with no teeth!
>Anyones advice/ thoughts would be much sppreciated.

Feeding an 8 month old dehydrated fruit will in all probability casue the child
to suffer severe intestinal distress, by dehydrating the child... besides that
most dehydrated fruit is chemically treated to prevent discoloration... I
STRONGLY suggest you query your Pediatrition. Meanwhile ... nah, I'm going to
be good and not mention your apricot colored 36D bra.

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