Whatcha all Havin' for Christmas Grub.?...
"Bigbazza" > wrote in message
> Hi...With it being for me, just 2 Day's until the event.. (sorry folk..you
> will be still sleeping when I over stuff myself) I was wondering how
> other's of my friends here celebrate Christmas ..and what is on the menu
> for you....
> I will be having Christmas Dinner (at Lunch) at my oldest Daughter's
> In-Laws.. I have done so since my wife (Helen) passed away back in Sept
> 88'...She used to have a great 'cook up' along the old lines of my English
> heritage....Hot everything...It was great..and delicious as well...
> Times have changed though...We do live in a 'Hot' climate here in Oz.. The
> reverse to the 'Northern Hemisphere... (some of us celebrate the old
> traditional Christmas in Oz during 'July')
> At Christmas time now it is as follows .. We go to church at the earliest
> service then head home to my oldest Daughter's home and see what Santa has
> brought the kids...We then go down to the in-laws (virtually around the
> corner).. and have beginner's .Pate and dips on biscuits with a glass
> (or
> 2) of Champer's and then at around 2 pm we will all sit down to a
> sumptuous
> meal of Boiled Whole Salmon , and cold Chicken and Turkey ..Also some
> prawns
> and other seafood that has been cooked on the 'Barbie'..Not forgetting the
> cold ham and the warm roast pork with crackling.. I supply that myself.. I
> don't particularly like cold pork... There will be numerous salads and
> warm
> Potato dishes as well.. Then for sweets there will be 'Warm Plum Pudding
> with brandy butter sauce and different Ice Creams.. All this will be
> washed
> down with both White and Red wines plus a few bottles of 'Champaign..We
> then
> retire to have a rest (and sleep) for us oldies and we then get up and
> start
> all over again for the rest of the families that were at the various
> in-laws
> for lunch...
> Now ..How about you other's <BG>..
> --
> Bigbazza (Barry)..(The Boy from Oz)
we ended up with the following (everybody brought something to the table,
which made things a bit easier)
fresh prawns
platter no.1 - prosciutto, mild sopressa, hot capocollo, hot calabrese
salami, pastrami, dressed with golden grape tomatoes and basil leaves
platter no.2 - cheeses incl provolone, parmigiano, pepper Watsonia, King
Island camembert, some blue cheese (don't know which), Emmentaler, and
homemade quince paste
asstd crackers & breads
gravad lax, with bowls of dill sauce or sour cream and capers
platter no. 3 - antipasti, incl marinated artichokes, marinated eggplant,
home-pickled olives, cornichons, chunky crab dip
roast turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, onions and heads of garlic, gravy,
peas and corn
baby spinach and rocket salad, with walnuts, shaved parmesan, grape tomatoes
dessert was a bit different...sis made a blueberry clafoutis, served with
cream...very light and yummy...perfect end to the meal (even if we did have
dessert at 1700hrs after starting lunch at 1400hrs lol)
cheers and merrry Christmas!