Is This A Good Plan For Tomorrow ???
"Mark Thorson" > schreef in bericht
> I'm planning to make a fruit salad tomorrow to bring
> over to Mom's house for Christmas. However, only
> after buying the ingrediants did I realize that this
> is a wholly new recipe, not even close to anything
> I've ever made before. Therefore constructive comments
> (hah!) would be appreciated.
> I'm planning on combining peeled and cut-up chunks
> of two ripe mangoes, two Asian pears, and two
> chayote squash. I'll take a whole bottle of TJ's
> balsamic vinegar and reduce it to a syrup, and use
> that for a dressing. Does anybody see a flaw in
> that plan?
> Sources of concern a a) I've never made a
> fruit salad of any type before (though I've eaten
> them) and b) I've never reduced balsamic vinegar
> before, nor eaten anything with a reduction of
> balsamic vinegar. I saw Lidia Bastianich do it
> on TV, which gave me the idea.
> I have eaten raw, peeled, and sliced chayote
> squash drizzled with balsamic vinegar straight
> from the bottle, and that is a good combination.
> That's what gave me the idea of making this salad.
> That, plus I bought the vinegar a couple months
> ago on a whim, haven't opened it, and it is
> apparent I won't be using it in my normal
> cooking. (In the past, I would add it to beer,
> but I stopped drinking beer a few months ago
> when the supermarket I frequent stopped carrying
> my brand.)
> The vinegar in question comes in a small square
> bottle -- TJ's carries a few types, and this
> is the one that seems especially good for a
> low-priced balsamic vinegar.
> I'm considering poaching some of TJ's dried
> wild blueberries in the vinegar while reducing it
> and adding those to the salad, but that seems
> like too much of a risk. I'm already venturing
> far enough into uncharted territory. I've
> already got the blueberries, so it would be
> no effort to change my mind, though.
I think the reduced BV might be quite intense - I'd dress the salad
carefully, and taste it before adding too much dressing.
I'd also not put any fruit into the reducing vinegar. A hard boil would do
most fruits more harm than good. I'd either poach the fruit spearately or
not poach it at all. Or throw it into the already-reduced vinegar while it;s
still hot (or near the end of reduction).