Cheese Quiz
"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> Julia Altshuler wrote:
> >
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > > Been there. Done that. That is *not* American cheese.
> >
> > Oh. Then what am I thinking of, and where do I find the real thing?
> Yeah, I used to buy the singles when I had to feed the dog a pill
> every morning and night. I would not eat it myself.
> If you look, perhaps your store carries Kraft Deluxe. It is not
> individually wrapped. It's the closest thing to the real American
> cheese I grew up on. Other than maybe color, the real thing bears
> no resemblence to those yucky singles. (smile) Perhaps you won't
> like that, either, it's cheddar like, but don't think those singles
> things are even cheese.
I second Nancy on the individally wrapped slices not being real American
Cheese. Most deli sections tend to have sliced american cheese. The kraft
deluxe is good, but I don't buy it since Kraft is importing milk from Canada
for their cheese making these days, and my dad, a dairy farmer, asked the
family to boycott kraft cheese products.