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  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Which food gives he most stinking shit ?

No, the laws _do_ apply to all in the US. The reason they don't want
to complain is that if law enforcement finds out that they are there,
they will be deported back to Mexico.

Canada is no different than the US as far as this goes, contrary to
the two mistaken posters below.

:> The laws apply to US citizens... not illegal aliens... you should have
:> shoved them all in a Yugo and drove them back to Mexico...
:> ~john!

: Gee;
: In Canada The law applies to all.
: For better or worse aliens (illegal or whatever) enjoy all the protection
: that the law gives to natural-born citizens.
: And you know what- I think our (Canadian) system is miles ahead.
: Go figure.
: Ken.