Whatcha all Havin' for Christmas Grub.?...
Bigbazza wrote:
> Hi...With it being for me, just 2 Day's until the event.. (sorry folk..you
> will be still sleeping when I over stuff myself) I was wondering how
> other's of my friends here celebrate Christmas ..and what is on the menu
> for you....
> I will be having Christmas Dinner (at Lunch) at my oldest Daughter's
> In-Laws.. I have done so since my wife (Helen) passed away back in Sept
> 88'...She used to have a great 'cook up' along the old lines of my English
> heritage....Hot everything...It was great..and delicious as well...
> Times have changed though...We do live in a 'Hot' climate here in Oz.. The
> reverse to the 'Northern Hemisphere... (some of us celebrate the old
> traditional Christmas in Oz during 'July')
> At Christmas time now it is as follows .. We go to church at the earliest
> service then head home to my oldest Daughter's home and see what Santa has
> brought the kids...We then go down to the in-laws (virtually around the
> corner).. and have beginner's .Pate and dips on biscuits with a glass (or
> 2) of Champer's and then at around 2 pm we will all sit down to a sumptuous
> meal of Boiled Whole Salmon , and cold Chicken and Turkey ..Also some prawns
> and other seafood that has been cooked on the 'Barbie'..Not forgetting the
> cold ham and the warm roast pork with crackling.. I supply that myself.. I
> don't particularly like cold pork... There will be numerous salads and warm
> Potato dishes as well.. Then for sweets there will be 'Warm Plum Pudding
> with brandy butter sauce and different Ice Creams.. All this will be washed
> down with both White and Red wines plus a few bottles of 'Champaign..We then
> retire to have a rest (and sleep) for us oldies and we then get up and start
> all over again for the rest of the families that were at the various in-laws
> for lunch...
> Now ..How about you other's <BG>..
> --
> Bigbazza (Barry)..(The Boy from Oz)