All Moslems...
Paul Satem wrote:
> It is very unfortunate that the whole Al Qaeda / Iraq crisis has
> turned up the heat in the Muslim vs non-Muslim situation.
> For the benefit of those that might not already know it ...
> There are several hundred million Muslims in this World. Only a
> fraction are fundamentalists ... and only a very small fraction of all
> fundamentalists are extremists .... and only a very small fraction of
> extremists are terrorists.
> Muslims believe in one God, as do the Christians and the Jews.
> It is a pity that a very very small group of Muslims have carried out
> certain acts (very sad acts) that have in turn led the rest of the
> World into believing that Islam is a violent and savage religion.
> Islam teaches us peace and respect for thy fellow man - regardless of
> colour, race or belief.
> Just my own two cents worth, but hopefully it will not fall on too
> many deaf ears.
Moslems are vermin, an absolutely *useless* bunch of people..