sf wrote:
> On 27 Dec 2006 10:41:52 -0800, wrote:
>> In the Italian/Sicilian culture, the evil eye will sour milk, both
>> dairy mothers'
> What is this evil eye thing? I've always heard about it, but would
> have no idea if someone was giving it to me or not. How could I tell?
> Is it that two fingered thing (forefinger and little finger)?
lol, not to be confused with the good ole "Hook 'em Horns!" sign of
which I'm more fond being from a good Longhorn family.
The evil eye, mal occhio, (sounds like "malorca" as my father said it)
as I was taught was almost like an evil Nonna who could be jealous and
vindictive. You didn't want to incite her jealousy, so you don't fawn
over babies too loudly or do anything (which varied depending on the
mood of my father) that would bring you to "her" attention.