Must-sip in San Jose?
Chinese Clay Art - you can buy very inexpensive good quality raw yixing clay
and good set of chahu making tools there as I did. Po Zhou is a very warm
guy, just let him know you're coming ahead of the time - they are not open
every day...
Do not forget to visit Fong's place (Imperial Tea Palace) in SF.
And of course if you decide to ski and(or) gamble - we will have the best
tea between Sierras and Rockies at my place in Reno!
"DogMa" > wrote in message
> May be in San Jose for a conference next month. Hoping to visit Chinese
> Clay Art, even if their web offerings are a bit fancy for my taste. Any
> other noteworthy purveyors of tea or teaware thereabouts?
> Thanks-
> DM