Thread: Injera
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Dave Bell Dave Bell is offline
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Default Injera

ellen wickberg wrote:

> barry wrote:
>> I'm in the process of making this Ethiopian sourdough crepe. I have
>> the starter working and will be baking/cooking on Saturday. Has
>> anyone here made this bread?
>> Thanks.
>> Barry

> Yes. In Canada, most Ethiopians bake it in square electric frying pans.
> ( usually Injeera is round). You just pour in the batter to make a thin
> layer and remove it when done ( non tacky surface)
> Ellen

That should work fine. One thing to note, if it wasn't in the recipes
you browsed, is that Injera is cooked on one side, only. This leaves
many open holes on the top, for sopping up sauce. They should be on the
order of a centimeter thick, and very flexible.

One local restaurant serves the Injera in what I understand to be the
traditional way, stacked like flapjacks on a side table. Another cuts
them into strips and rolls them, smooth side out, stacked in a basket.
They look exactly like facecloths stacked on the closet shelf!

As far as Dick's comments regarding celiac safety, millet is supposed to
be OK, as far as I know. I'm slightly allergic to wheat, and have no
problems with Injera at all...
