Thread: All Moslems...
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Default All Moslems...

Tony Lew wrote:

> (Paul Satem) wrote in message om>...
>>It is very unfortunate that the whole Al Qaeda / Iraq crisis has
>>turned up the heat in the Muslim vs non-Muslim situation.
>>For the benefit of those that might not already know it ...
>>There are several hundred million Muslims in this World. Only a
>>fraction are fundamentalists ... and only a very small fraction of all
>>fundamentalists are extremists .... and only a very small fraction of
>>extremists are terrorists.

> Yeah, all the condemnation of the "very small fraction" by the
> remaining (presumably very large) fraction is really deafening, isn't it?

I was particularly impressed with the moral outcry when one of
their clerics, who also happened to run a country BTW, declared a death
sentence against an author who wrote a book he disagreed with. The
silence was deafening. I guess that's normal behavior in the Muslim

To put it in perspective, can you imagine the Pope declaring
it the duty of all catholics to murder an author?

Islam is not "just like any other religion", I'm sorry. They have
a PR problem for good reason.

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