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Buttercup Buttercup is offline
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Posts: 26
Default Help with baked apples/found my mom's recipe!

For years I have looked for this dish. My mother used to make this
recipe for us all of the time. I finally found it on the net. You will
love them! Enjoy!

Heaven Scent Baked Apples

These nutmeg-spiced baked apples are the perfect ending to any meal.

Yield: 6 servings

6 medium baking apples (about 2 pounds),
such as Rome Beauty or York Imperial
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon water
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Core apples; peel a strip from the top of each. If necessary cut thin
slice from bottom of each apple so apple will stand upright. Place
apples upright in greased 11 x 7-inch baking dish.

In medium-size bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk, water and
nutmeg; pour over and around apples.

Set dish in a 13 x 9-inch pan. Set on oven rack. Carefully pour boiling
water into pan to 1-inch depth. Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until apples
are tender, occasionally spooning sweetened condensed milk mixture in
bottom of dish over apples.

Serve warm

«´¨ `Buttercup ´¨`»
(¸.·'´`(¸*·'´'·.*`)`'·. ¸)

How do you like them apples?