Buy your booze early!
BOB wrote:
> "kilikini" wrote...
>> Steve Wertz wrote:
>> kili
> This year, I'll be down in the "Progressive" municipality of Felda,
> Florida celebrating New Years Eve. No booze for sale, no cash
> registers, just free-flowing alcohol and on New Years Day, good BBQ
> to eat, and more alcohol. I'm glad I have Tuesday off too!
> kili, you take care of yourself and have a much better 2007 than you
> had in 2006. I'm making plans this weekend to be @ Burnt Island Jan.
> 1, 2008. Tell Big Jim that he needs to get better too.
Thanks, BOB. I talked to Big Jim today and we're both ready for the BBQ
Burnt Island fest, but he told me there's a good chance for rain, so you
might not be missing much! LOL.
On a good note, he's got a tarp, some chairs and is bringing some strong
moonshine. We'll be warm and dry. :~)