kilikini wrote:
> Steve Wertz wrote:
>> For those of you who partake and live in a state with those
>> archaic (and unconstitutional) blue laws, remember to buy all
>> your New Years Eve booze (and even beer in some states) early
>> since it's Sunday.
> I think New York works that way, too, Steve. IIRC, no liquor sales on
> Sunday and I know you can't buy liquor past 7:00 pm there on a
> weekday, as well. I've never considered how that affects a beer/bar
> proprietor before; biggest party day of the year and you're closed?
> That's gotta hurt.
It's like that in Texas (or parts of at least). Oklahoma has
bars open on Sunday and I have a reserved table.
My plan is go watch fireworks and listen to the band.
Getting hammered isn't all it used to be, so I leave that
to the younger generation.