Stormy weather cooking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 506
Stormy weather cooking
In article . com>,
> We weren't here yet, but after the Christmas Blizzard of '82 the former
> mayor, McNichols, was laughed out of office when he suggested a
> solution was to put plows on garbage trucks.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. While it's not "optimal", that
approach has been used successfully elsewhere to give some "surge"
capacity for really nasty blizzards.
OB Food: It's a nice gesture to wave the snowplow driver down when they
finally do come through, and offer him or her a cup of hot chocolate or
a grilled cheese sando, or both. Since I started doing that, my mailbox
has not been clipped even once! (Maybe it's like the garlic vs. vampire
thing. I wonder what it would take to keep them from re-burying the
driveway entrance.)
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