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Mr Libido Incognito Mr Libido Incognito is offline
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Default Turkey gravy results, not as good as I hoped

Dave Smith wrote on 28 Dec 2006 in

> Zilbandy wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 18:00:23 -0500, Dave Smith
> > > wrote:
> >
> > >Temperature? Good question. I have never had luck with that
> > >method. I use the time, temperature and weight chart. It was a 12
> > >1/2 pound bird, 6 1/2 hours at 325. I pulled on the leg and it
> > >started to come off. Letting it sit tented before cutting into
> > >it makes carving much easier.

> >
> > That's over 30 minutes a pound. Are you sure it was a 21 1/2 pounder?

> Oops sorry..... 6 hours. I put it in at 11:15, pulled it out at
> 5:15. It was 12.7 lb. I don't know how much damage another 1/2
> hour would have done. I thought it was perfect. The thigh meat
> was cooked and breast meat was nice and juicy. After sitting for
> close 45 minutes it carved beautifully.

I cooked a 10-ish lb bird (4.7kg). I spatchcocked it and cooked it in a
convection oven for 2 hours at 375F. Turned out a little over cooked (by
about 15 minutes)...I did a small side pan of dressing at the same time.
As I recieved offers to dine with others (daughter) for xmas...I mostly
used the turkey meat for snacking on my yule-time days off this year, as
toasted turkey and tomato sandwhiches with miracle whip is my secret
addiction. I regret feeling too lazy to make gravy this year but I
managed to purchase some from a upscale restaurant (1 litre). So I got 1
traditional turkey dinner almost 'my way' this year. My 'new' job takes a
lot outa me and I just couldn't bring my self to make the extra effort
(just for me) to make gravy, as I worked xmas eve and boxing day.

My daughter is a fine cook, but our tastes in stuffing differ. So I
needed to make turkey and stuffing MY way or the season wouldn't feel
right to me. Plus I like having turkey leftovers...The meals you can make
from the leftovers are also a required part of the season that makes it
xmas or even New Years.

I am going to make a turkey wild rice based soup with the frame and the
leftover turkey meat. I don't really have a recipe...but wild rice,
carrot, celery, onion, barley, mushrooms and sour cream will play a large
part in the soup. I also 'found' some frozen dill in the freezer, dill
and sour cream go well together in soups.

Yesterday I made a large batch of Nancy's tortillia soup, I was going to
make the zuppa recipe posted recently...but the close grocery store
didn't have the Italian Sausages I'd of used. And I don't like driving
and shopping much at this time of year... the crowds are too crazy. I
froze 15 3 cup portions of the soup for use as work lunch meals in the
next month or so. Perphaps in the 2nd week of January I'll get the zuppa

I'm doing a small ham for New Year's Day...It's a Family
Tradition...Baked Ham and Potato Salad....(I think I see More Soup in my
future). I think I got the curried potato salad recipe from
penzeys...That's the only change in the last 20 years to the menu.