On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 13:24:54 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:
>modom (palindrome guy) said...
>> As a fan of the steaks, pies, and iced tea at the Ranchman's, I'm
>> excited at the news. It'll be the best thing for Ponder since indoor
>> plumbing.
>That's good news. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm deep in the heart
>of Texas!
Not the heart -- Ponder's way north, not far from Denton. But it
wouldn't be at all wrong to say that the Ranchman's Cafe is deeply
Texan. So yes, in the heart.
>I imagine in the beginning they just plum didn't have the money for the
>"osa"? LOL!
OSA? You mean ****oir? The funny thing for me is the fact that I ate
pie there numerous time when I was a student back during the Nixon
administration and didn't even know they didn't have indoor
facilities. If you'd ever seen the size of their iced tea glasses,
that'd be funny to you, too.
As I understand it, the restaurant was originally just an offshoot of
a little country store. Over the years, cooking gradually replaced
selling cans of tuna and such till there was no store left by the time
I first got there in 1970 or 71. I guess the plumbing came late
because the transition was so gradual.
>Good luck to the place. Expansion is always a good thing!
Not always, but in this case, I believe Dave will do it right. He's
worked there since before the plumbing got moved inside and has a deep
sense of the place's spirit. (That didn't exactly come out right, did
it?) Anyhow, Dave knows and appreciates the rough little gem he has
in his restaurant. I'm confident he won't gitchie it up with his
improvement plans. Frank Gehry will not be involved in the design.
The butcher shop is a nice idea. He already butchers his own beef,
and I'm told he sells meat to the locals already, too.