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PeterL PeterL is offline
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Default Saddam hangs today!

(He's got about 1 hour to live :-)

Saddam 'to be hanged at dawn'

By Mariam Karouny in Baghdad

December 30, 2006 12:14pm
Article from: Reuters

SADDAM Hussein will hang as the sun dawns over Iraq today, Iraqi officials
said, setting a dramatic end for a leader who ruled Iraq by fear for three
decades before a US invasion and his conviction for crimes against

"They just called to tell me to be ready to attend the hanging at 5:30 am
(13:30 AEDT)," said a court official whose presence is demanded by law. The
execution was planned by 6 am, he added, although he did not know where it
would happen.

A senior politician in the Shi'ite Muslim majority behind Prime Minister
Nuri al-Maliki said he would also attend: "It will take place by 6am,"
Bahaa al-Araji said.

Peter Lucas

'Enjoy today, it was paid for by a veteran'