Saddam hangs today!
Andy wrote:
> PeterL said...
> > PeterL > wrote in
> > :
> >
> >> (He's got about 1 hour to live :-)
> >
> >
> >
> > Make that 30mins :-)
> Another Hitler gone. Can't happen soon enough!
> Next, aim world sights back on Bin Laden!!!
> We look pretty stupid leaving that ******* running free.
> Bring the boys back home to the U.S.A.. Let the rest of the world put their
> boys in our place. We can't police the world. AND America's freedom and
> safety was NEVER the issue! Bush Jr. is a fanatical idiot!
You should have said that loud before the boys were sent in. Now after
US making the mess at the objection of the rest of the world, how can
US expects the rest of the world to take after the mess they created?
History repeats itself. Good thing we don't live too long to see human
stupidity again and again.