Amanda said...
> Andy wrote:
>> PeterL said...
>> > PeterL > wrote in
>> > :
>> >
>> >> (He's got about 1 hour to live :-)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Make that 30mins :-)
>> Another Hitler gone. Can't happen soon enough!
>> Next, aim world sights back on Bin Laden!!!
>> We look pretty stupid leaving that ******* running free.
>> Bring the boys back home to the U.S.A.. Let the rest of the world put
>> their boys in our place. We can't police the world. AND America's
>> freedom and safety was NEVER the issue! Bush Jr. is a fanatical idiot!
> You should have said that loud before the boys were sent in. Now after
> US making the mess at the objection of the rest of the world, how can
> US expects the rest of the world to take after the mess they created?
> History repeats itself. Good thing we don't live too long to see human
> stupidity again and again.
The US goverment is corrupt from the top to the bottom. You must know this.
It's a bought and sold entity.
I screamed at the top of my lungs upon deaf ears.