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Default Buy your booze early!

(pipsqueek) wrote:
> I was in the UK recently where they have relatively lax drinking laws,
> age of majority and drinking age is 18. Pubs will not challenge you
> though if you are 16/17 and behaving properly. The surprising thing is
> that the kids (adults under UK law) do take drinking and driving
> seriously, they use the designated driver system to good effect although
> the non drivers do get wasted. My neighbours are Italian and always gave
> their kids wine with meals at home, both kids are now tea total adults,
> go figure. I always allow my kids to try wine or beer at home if they
> want to take a sip from my glass, must be my expat Brit background coming
> to the for. I suppose I have always been a libertarian not liking
> government interference in my life, unfotunately the US of A has a system
> set up to support the 25% of the worlds lawyers that live there, after
> all, the politicians are all lawyers. Sorry, going totally OT here.

Continuing OT. I first started sipping homemade wines in my Sicilian
grandfather's wine cellar. Sipped my first Martini when I was 8 or 9, had
my first beer around 12 and first Bourbon around 15. I've always let my
kids try good wine and beer at home, so they would know the difference. I'm
71, never gotten a DUI, injured anybody or had an accident as a result of

"Moderation sir, aye, moderation is my rule. Nine or ten is reasonable
refreshment, but after that it's apt to degenerate into drinking."
- An old Highland saying

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