Buy your booze early!
JohnO wrote:
> pipsqueek wrote:
> > Canada, not to say we dont also have stupid laws, IMO.
> > But the US certainly takes the biscuit with alcohol laws, you can die for your country at 17 but cant vote for the government that sends you to your death or enjoy a drink .
> Spoken like a true 20 year old. :-)
> No, those laws make WAY too much sense when you consider the incredible
> number of alcohol-related auto deaths in that age range. But my oldest
> kid is nearly 17, so I guess I'm in the opposite demographic.
> -John O
The last I knew, the drinking age in Canada was 18 and they had nowhere
near the DWI problems we have in the US. Seems that when it's legal
people are more responsible than they are when they are already breaking
one law. That, or they just have fewer ignorant ****s in Canada.
Pete C.