Appendix to "What to feed a sick hubby"
During last year's flu season, the NG published a series of messages
titled "What to feed a sick hubby". I set them aside knowing I'd need
that sooner or later. Couple of weeks ago I found myself reaching for
it. I modified it somewhat and added things related to my specific
There are those bugs which take away any appetite. My sympathy to you;
I understand flat ginger ale and Gatorade may be all you can tolerate.
What I had was violent cramping. No loss of appetite, so although the
flat ginger ale is a good idea, it wasn't applicable. Since my
appetite never failed, I kept eating. I may have gotten rid of the bug
in a day, but my gut was sensitive and my regular eating did not
improve things. After several days I figured out what was happened and
limited myself to Gatorade and canned chicken broth with rice for 36
hours. Everything improved and I tried some real food. Back to the
bathroom and back to the broth and Gatorade.
I read that boiled potato was just as helpful and non-irritating as
rice. I also discovered soft-boiled eggs didn't bother me, nor did
dry toast, so breakfast became two soft boiled eggs over boiled
potato. Nice.
Toast and honey were good, so I chopped up the toast and pored honey
over it. With weak tea.
Pancakes were fine, with honey, as was applesauce over white bread.
A can of chicken over rice went over well.
Stay away from dairy.
After two days, I got brave and tried just a couple of tablespoonfuls
of real food. Slight cramping, so I didn't try again for another day.
Adding new foods and waiting for a reaction took another three days,
but gradually my gut began to tolerate food again.
Hope this is some help - Mike