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Dan Abel
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Default If You Eat Pork of any kind

In article m>, "Darryl
L. Pierce" > wrote:

> Dan Abel > wrote:

> Proteins are _not_ just calories. Proteins are a complex carbohydrate
> molecule that provide more than just energy (calories). Simple
> carbohydrates have to be combined (requiring more energy) to create
> proteins, which is the basic building block for the body. Proteins
> provide the full molecule that can then be adapted, as opposed to
> constructed, by the body.

Proteins are capable of being much more than just a calorie source. We
agree there. However, once you've used protein as a calorie source, you
cannot use that same protein as a building block. It could be compared to
a piece of wood. You can build something with it, or burn it for heat.
Once you've burned it, you can't build with it.

I'm still having problems with your terminology. Proteins are not
carbohydrates. Your body can manufacture some of the amino acids that it
uses to build human protein with. Some it can't. When you eat protein,
your body breaks it down into amino acids. It then combines those amino
acids to provide the protein your body needs to build cells.

[snipped the rest because we seem to be in agreement]

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University