*WARNING GODWINIZED THREAD* True ID of would-be 2-cop-killerillegal alien confirmed
Blair P. Houghton wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>>Let the New Year bring the American people to the boiling point
>>>regarding the governments failture to protect it's citizens.
>>My God! are you naive, as if a ruling class or any "government" is
>>anything other than a tool of oppression, "protect it's citizens" what a
> You'd prefer that Hitler just rolled into America the way he rolled
> into Poland?
> --Blair
If any godwinizing persona is to pursue a godwinizing phenomena in
America it is probly all ready here and in office and might even do
something before the next congress sits, blitzkrieg us into another
military entanglement to distract the mass's from it's own brutality,
after all, violence is the ultimate defence of itself.
Modern culture is a fragile phenomena and could be destroyed all too
easily. Some people see this as an legitimate goal, that modern culture
and its handmaids of science and technology, goes too far and destroys
that which it claims to serve, corrupts, enslaves and tortures the
mass's as every government has. Power corrupts and all that...