Thread: hanging video
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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default hanging video

Amanda wrote:
> Dave Bugg wrote:
>> Amanda wrote:
>>> Pan Ohco wrote:
>>>> On 31 Dec 2006 19:01:09 -0800, "Amanda" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What saddened me is to realize that the newly formed Iraqi
>>>>> government is nothing but a puppet government who was cajoled to
>>>>> treat this whole trial with a vendetta on the agenda.
>>>> Amanda, the U.S. outlawed capital punishment in Iraq. After an
>>>> election the Iraq government reinstated capital punishment.Yes that
>>>> sounds like a puppet government.
>>> You'd be surprised how US play innocent but I am sure you know that.
>>>>> If justice was to be done, there
>>>>> would have been trial for the Kurds who lost more lives than ther
>>>>> shiites.
>>>> Yes lets waste more time and money having the 70 something trials
>>>> planned. And then hang him.
>>>>> The new Iraq will be nothing but blooddbath between shiites
>>>>> propped by outsiders (who call themsleves civilized) and Sunnis.
>>>> Those wanting the power, that didn't get it from the election. are
>>>> causing the problem.
>>> Yeah, right.
>>>> And if this becomes the thing to do, watch out for the Republican
>>>> after january.
>>>>> The whole human race sickens me.
>>>> There is an answer to that.
>>> Original sin? Why am not surprised?

>> He was talking about you blowing yer brains out.

> That was what I initially thoughthe wastalking about but I gave him
> the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't that low but alas..he was low.
>> That way the human race won't bother you quite so much.

> If you guys know real science, you would undertsand that something
> wrong in the evolutionary process of homom sapiens. .

You seem to be a sublime example. Now, go terminate yerself so yer defective
gene-pool isn't passed on to another generation.
