Egg Spots and New Frig
>Butter compartments are in fact very useful.
For what... probably where you store your rectal/vaginal suppositories.
Dedicated egg and butter compartments are hold overs from the time before frost
free units... and they had no circulation fans either... so very often there'd
be cold spots, where butter and eggs would otherwise freeze. Modern frost-free
units maintain constant temperature throughout, except in the specialized
compartments where one can easily regulate temperature and humidity at will.
With modern units butter and eggs can safely be stored anywhere in the unit's
general compartment without risk of freezing; store butter in a covered dish
(glass is best), eggs in their original carton. Also, even with the most
modern fridge temperatures will vary 2-3dF,so it's a good habit to use a
refrigerator thermometer so as to make and maintain proper settings and to
determine the coldest/warmest parts of the compartment; most often the topmost
door shelf will be the warmest spot, a good place to store the butter dish for
ease in spreadibility. Eggs should be stored in the coldest spot; most usually
the lowest shelf.... use your thermometer to ensure that no portion of the
fridge freezes.
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