making stocks vs. buying concentrates
Kent wrote:
> "Gil Faver" wrote:
> > well, the subject line says it all.
> >
> > anyone found any good veal or beef stocks on the market? How does their
> > price compare with making your own? I am thinking of buying 50 pounds of
> > veal bones, making 1/3 into white stock, and 2/3 into brown stock, then
> > making some brown sauce and demiglace.
> > aside from my time (I donate that for free), what is the cost comparison?
> >
> I think the answer is no! There aren't any good commercial veal or beef
> stocks on the market. There is decent veal concentrate made in France.
Commercially prepared stocks are generally sad (and who knows what/who
is in them), those made in france are the very worst, what with all
their filthy crotched food handlers, be sure you've been vaccinated
against everything.
Stock is the least expensive thing you can make, and time... stock
essentially makes itself... and the larger the amount the less it costs
per unit, as well as less time.