Thread: hanging video
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Amanda Amanda is offline
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Default hanging video

Dave Bugg wrote:
> Amanda wrote:
> > Dave Bugg wrote:
> >>>
> >>> If you guys know real science, you would undertsand that something
> >>> wrong in the evolutionary process of homom sapiens. .
> >>
> >> You seem to be a sublime example. Now, go terminate yerself so yer
> >> defective gene-pool isn't passed on to another generation.
> >>

> >
> > Is that all you can say? let's see whether the holier-than-thou would
> > continue to act like saints after watching this:

> What's with the holier-than-thou nonsense? You are the one who is so
> desperately upset with humanity. You are the one who seems to posses the
> secret of perfection.

Did I say that I was holier -than-thou. My point was people shouldn't
act like they are better then their enemies like some referring to
Arabs are auncivilized as if their bombing innocent civilians was
civilized acts.

> That would make YOU the one who views themself as holier-than-thou, not the rest of us.

If oyu wan tto take a general statement based on history of mankind as
personal attack, it is oyur choice but he had nor ight to insult me the
way he did by saying "there' is n answer to that".

> > Rumsfeld & Saddam Make Nice [00:59 ]
> >
> >
> > What appalled me is how some Americans act like they are better than
> > others.

> Sorta like the French? Or yourself. My, my, my, how do you hold on to such
> perfection?

We are talking about American killing Iraqi civilians while condeming
Saddam Hussein. Leave the French out of this. They haven't gone to
naother country to kill anyone for a long time.

> --
> Dave