making stocks vs. buying concentrates
"Gil Faver" > wrote in message
> well, the subject line says it all.
> anyone found any good veal or beef stocks on the market? How does their
> price compare with making your own? I am thinking of buying 50 pounds of
> veal bones, making 1/3 into white stock, and 2/3 into brown stock, then
> making some brown sauce and demiglace.
> aside from my time (I donate that for free), what is the cost comparison?
> thanks.
The Demi Glace Gold is pretty good However for one quarter the price I can
make the same amount of demiglace - the pros; price and quality. The cons;
time. 1 hour roasting, 2 hours simmering, 1+ hour reducing. But you don't
have to stand there while it simmers.