Thread: hanging video
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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default hanging video

Amanda wrote:

> Dave Bugg wrote:
>> Amanda wrote:
>>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>>> Amanda wrote:
>>>>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>>>>>> If you guys know real science, you would undertsand that
>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>> wrong in the evolutionary process of homom sapiens. .
>>>>>> You seem to be a sublime example. Now, go terminate yerself so
>>>>>> yer
>>>>>> defective gene-pool isn't passed on to another generation.
>>>>> Is that all you can say? let's see whether the holier-than-thou
>>>>> would
>>>>> continue to act like saints after watching this:
>>>> What's with the holier-than-thou nonsense? You are the one who is
>>>> so
>>>> desperately upset with humanity. You are the one who seems to
>>>> posses
>>>> the
>>>> secret of perfection.
>>> Did I say that I was holier -than-thou.

>> Yes. Re-read for context if necessary.
>>> My point

>> Is indeterminable due to the incoherent babbling and poor choices of
>> words.

> You are argular heere and you should know whom (the type of people) I
> was referring to. If I wanted to bash all Americans, I'd ause
> "Americans".

Here you go babbling again. What in the name of a blue-eyed toad does your
reply have to do with what I said? Do you even comprehend 1/4 of what is
said to you?

>> You continuously fail to make your points in a coherent manner, and
>> constantly stray from point to point as if a child on her first
>> Easter egg
>> hunt.

> Yeah, right.

Such explosive rebuttal. My point stands.

>>> ....was people shouldn't
>>> act like they are better then their enemies like some referring to
>>> Arabs are auncivilized as if their bombing innocent civilians was
>>> civilized acts.

>> See. You again stray far afield into the ludicrous, attempting to
>> morally

>> equate terrorist acts with unintended casualties.

> Unintended? Give me a **** n break!.

Give us all a break, Dumbass. Not to mention that Iraqi deaths have had
little to do with unintended combat casualties over the last 18 months; it
has to do with terrorists killing Iraqis.

>> If you fail to see a difference,

> Difference? Then you belong to the group I was addressing.

And you belong to the Dumbass collective. You are a thoroughly hateful,
unthinking, and pitiful excuse for humanity.

>> that's not just sad, but the primary sign of a dumbass.

> What else would hypocrite like you say?

You really have a hard time connecting the dots, dontcha? You're responses
just make little sense.

>>>> That would make YOU the one who views themself as
>>>> holier-than-thou,
>>>> not the rest of us.

>>> If oyu wan tto take a general statement based on history of mankind
>>> as
>>> personal attack, it is oyur choice but he had nor ight to insult me
>>> the
>>> way he did by saying "there' is n answer to that".

>> Please keep writing.
>> You are my own best argument in rebuttal.

> You wish so, don't you?

Wishing has nothing to do with it, princess. Reality sucks, doesn't it?

>>> We are talking about American killing Iraqi civilians

>> No. *YOU* are talking about that.

>> Too bad you are just an ignorant slut.

> See, see, you are beginning to show your true nature.
>>> while condeming
>>> Saddam Hussein.

>> So very clueless.

> Really?

Yeah. Now go find a Quarter, head down to the local 7-11, and buy a few.

>>> Leave the French out of this.

>> Who made you the moderator. I'll say whatever I choose.

> I see that I hit on your nerve. I did mean to hit on hypocrites like
> you.
>>> They haven't gone to
>>> naother country to kill anyone for a long time.

>> Not very informed are you?

> Comparing apple and orange? That's what a dumbass do.

Sigh. That apples and oranges, sweetums. And only a dumbass would make that
sort of comment. Now, please, keep talkin', you're doing swell.
