Turkish Coffee - Is it good? Worth trying?
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Turkish Coffee - Is it good? Worth trying?
In article . com>,
> I enjoy espresso but I am reading "The Devils Cup" and it has piqued my
> interest in Turkish coffee. Is this worth trying? or is it likely that
> the Turkish coffee will not be preferable to espresso?
> Also, can you suggest a good Ibrik? Copper? Brass? Tin? Which one is
> good?
> For some background..I currently make espresso using a Rancilio Sylvia
> and homeroast using a Hottop. I have been homeroasting for a few years.
Turkish coffee is Turkish coffee, simply yet another way of making a
hot, stimulant beverage.
It *is* worth trying.
It is *not* espresso.
Whether you are "likely" to find it preferable to espresso is completely
up to you. No one can tell you one way or the other which is "better".
Are you Turkish? If so, you may find it "better", or perhaps not. If
you're not Turkish, you may find it "better" as well, or then again,
maybe not.
My advice is to find someone who knows what they're doing to make you a
decent cup of Turkish coffee.
Lacking that, find an authentic Turkish, Greek or Lebanese restaurant,
have a meal, and order coffee afterwards. Be sure to ask how they brew
it. If they don't make it at the table or within sight, perhaps even
ask if you can watch it being made. Assuming that it is made in an
ibrik, try it and see if you like it. Hopefully they'll explain how you
should drink it, or perhaps you'll be smart enough to ask.
Then, some time later, find another authentic Turkish, Greek or Lebanese
restaurant. Repeat the meal and coffee routine. And so on. Then
decide if it is "better" than other coffee you have had.
If you want to buy an Ibrik and thrash about on your own to see if you
like Turkish coffee (or whatever you end up making), get one that will
hold about 8-10 oz. of liquid and is made of brass and lined with tin.
Smaller is OK, but more demanding of your technique. I wish you good
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