How to Keep Horseradish Root?
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Posts: 506
How to Keep Horseradish Root?
Thanks. This sounds like a good way to store whole, fresh roots. Most
of what I see in the stores are sections of roots, cut to some arbitrary
length. And often the stuff is starting to get moldy or exhibit other
signs of age/abuse. I'll keep your storage method in mind when I get my
hands on some intact, fresh roots.
In article >,
> I don't know why my reply never came through - maybe I never sent it -
> getting scatter-brained lately
> Anyway, you can simply take it and put it in a bucket of damp sand ,
> cover it, and place that in a cool space ( like a garage). It will
> keep all winter like that. I grow horseradish and use a five gallon
> bucket to store roots this way. Just dig it out of the bucket when
> you want it , clean it up, peal and grate.
> I have also frozen the entire root (have erad you can do this) but it
> dries out too fast and looses flavor.
> You could plant it and start your own plot. It will take two years to
> get a usable crop but is worth it (and it never goes away after that).
> Cut up into two inch rootlets and plant at least six about 4 inches
> underground. In a couple years, you can just go to your plot when
> you want some fresh (unless the ground is frozen - in which case you
> should plan ahead and put some in buckets in late fall).
> Hope this helps.
> Eric
> On Tue, 2 Jan 2007 11:41:14 -0500, yetanotherBob
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> >says...
> >>
> >> Have you considered planting it? (before it's grated, I mean)
> >>
> >> Bob
> >>
> >Thanks for the suggestion.
> >
> >Actually, that never occurred to me, but the discussion in response to
> >my posting over in the r.f.c. newsgroup made it abundantly clear that
> >planting it should be possible. Some useful cautionary information was
> >also provided. I intend to give it a try.
> >
> >Bob
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