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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Homemade noodles

notbob wrote:
> I want to make homemade noodles for my turkey soup. I've seen it done
> a thousand times on tv, but never done it myself, being Incredibly
> Lazy(tm). Just your basic flour and egg noodles. So, how much all
> purpose flour per large egg? Also, how long to knead. I've read as
> long as 20 mins. Forget that. What's a realistic minimum? Lastly,
> should I boil the noodles in salt water prior to adding to soup or
> just add directly to soup?
> nb

When I make pasta dough, I don't measure- just want your dough to stick
together. I have heard that when you pass your dough thru the roller,
you fold it and pass it thru a few times, which is enough kneading. I
would think that since they're fresh, they won't absorb as much water
as dry, so you may be ok just tossing them in your soup