How to Keep Horseradish Root?
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Posts: 506
How to Keep Horseradish Root?
In article >,
> In article >, Eric wrote:
> > I don't know why my reply never came through - maybe I never sent it -
> > getting scatter-brained lately
> >
> > Anyway, you can simply take it and put it in a bucket of damp sand ,
> > cover it, and place that in a cool space ( like a garage). It will
> > keep all winter like that. I grow horseradish and use a five gallon
> > bucket to store roots this way. Just dig it out of the bucket when
> > you want it , clean it up, peal and grate.
> Since Horseradish is a rather large root, if I only want a little at
> a time, can I just take a cutting of some amount and then re-bury the
> main root back into the damp sand and it will still keep that way?
> Thanks for the great info.. I'd love to try growing this at some point,
> but need to find a source for one to get going on it.. I love horseradish
> and of course Wasabi
> -- Rick
Here is a link that someone sent me over in
This place sells "starter" root stock, although others have commented
that their price is high. The site also mentions the sand technique for
keeping the roots.
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