Chili and vinegar
The recipe that I have ended up using will probably frighten the purists
and get me banned from the US but I like it.
Day One I brown the minced meat and add to it lightly fried onions and
garlic. I then added black pepper, chili powder and cumin that I pound
in a pestle and mortar. I then add sun dried tomatoes and canned sweet
peppers, both finely chopped, a whole cinammon stick and a tin of tinned
tomatoes. I also add fresh peppers, quantity depends on what I have and
who is eating the final product. If I need more liquid then I add
Eurofizz type beer. This gets brought to the boil and then simmered for
an hour or so.
Day Two. I bring back to the boil and then add the kidney beans and
simmer for an hour to warm the beans through.
I have been known to use dried sun dried tomatoes sweet peppers that get
reconstituted in beef stock.
cybercat wrote:
> "Steve Y" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Is yours a chili with tomatoes/beans or just pure meat ?
> Just meat and light kidney beans, which I add at the end. Every now and then
> I dump in some salsa, with adds a bit of peppers and tomatoes, but I never
> use
> much. How do you make yours?
>> cybercat wrote:
>>> I made a big pot of chili for dinner, and used a little too much chili
>>> powder, I think. It needed a tang, but don't like tomato in chili. I
>>> added maybe two tablespoons of cider vinegar. It's perfect.