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Rick F. Rick F. is offline
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Posts: 143
Default How to Keep Horseradish Root?

In article >, Eric wrote:
>>Since Horseradish is a rather large root, if I only want a little at
>>a time, can I just take a cutting of some amount and then re-bury the
>>main root back into the damp sand and it will still keep that way?

> Yes, the cut ends will get brown so you will have to trim them off
> when you use it again.

Great.. Thanks!

> I am not sure but I think you can simply plant store bought root. It
> should do fine. Most garden catalogs carry horseradish. Need to
> plant in fall but given how warm this winter has been, you should do
> fine up to say mid-PA still getting it in.

About the only place I can think of that might carry something remotely
similar to horseradish in root form is a local Japanese market that carries
Daikon roots which I gather are related but perhaps not the same. I think
if I want the real-McCoy, I'll have to order some from Burpee or another
vendor. I'm out in Southern California where the temps lately are in the
40's -- about as low as they normally get in the winter. Anyway, thanks
for the great info.. I'll give this a try at some point.