Been washing Calphalon and Wusthof in dishwasher
I have Calphalon anodized pots and pans, and only one of them has had a
problem, the small sauce pan. I ran it in the dishwasher, and bam!
pits and pealing of the anodization. Calphalon told me that running in
the dishwasher voids the warranty. They claim they can tell.
The problem isn't necessarilly that it will spoil the finish, but that
it will spoil the warranty. On the other hand, they tell you to use
scouring powder and a 3M scrubber on it. It works for me.
In Maryland
Zarky Zork wrote:
> So yeah I've been washing my Calphalon anodized aluminum pot and pans in the
> dishwasher as well as my Wusthof knives for years and have never had any
> problems.