Leo Bueno wrote:
> http://www.wineloverspage.com/winead...wa070103.phtml
> Grenache probably reaches its pinnacle in Spain's Priorat and France's
> Chateauneuf-du-Pape, where it's the primary grape in sought-after,
> ageworthy wines. But much of it disappears into anonymous jugs of wine
> rarely sold with varietal labels. (The same is true, by the way, but
> even more so, of the white grape Airén, the No. 1 most widely planted
> variety, which is grown almost exclusively in Spain and is almost
> never seen in a varietal wine.)
Most planted worldwide? Don't know about that. In the USA it was
Zinfandel to produce White Zinfandel with. Then Chardonnay passed
Zinfandel up. I don't know whats the most grown in the USA today.