Good books with sourdough recipes?
Charles Perry wrote:
> Mike Avery wrote:
> There are a lot of people here with
>> strong opinions,... But... when one person
>> says "cat" and another says "dog" and another says "bread fairey" and
>> another says "use rye" and another says "don't use rye" and another
>> says... well, a beginner is going to get confused.
> Mike, while I generally agree with the entirety of your post, I feel
> that I must point out the the correct spelling is: "Bread Faeries."
> And, it should be capitalized.
> Not to pick nits, but it is not good practice to upset any of the Wee Folk.
You are absolutely right, of course.... but the spelling checker let me
down and neither it nor I really knew what to do....
....The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world...
Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
part time baker ICQ 16241692
networking guru AIM, yahoo and skype mavery81230