1. Why not just Google it?
2. If a "specialty tea shop" has no idea what an "orange pekoe" is, not only
its not a "specialty" tea shop, but not a tea shop at all. Its like a car
shop that has no idea what a "sedan" is.
One cannot spend more than 10 minutes on reading about black tea without
learning about orange pekoe, fannings, tippery, flowery and other basic
black tea terminology.
"-" > wrote in message news:lYkoh.577247$1T2.79580@pd7urf2no...
> What exactly is orange pekoe? It is what is used by Tim Hortons (
> http://www.timhortons.com/en/menu/tea.html ). The taste is great.
> When I went to a specialty tea shop and asked for it, they said it's not
> really a type of tea and that they don't carry it.