"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> (Leila A.) wrote:
> > "tinytowngoddess" > wrote in message news:<cv%Dc.1
> > .
> > > LOML and I moved back here to my hometown last year
> >
> > > Miss Jean
> > > I am TinyTownGoddess at alltel dot net
> >
> > I'm interested in the use of LOML. Does it stand for Love of My Life?
> > Did you come up wtih that on your own, or pick it up somewhere?
> > Because folks
> Folks? Plural?
Folks, plural, seems to be a southern thing, I think. To me, especially,
seeing Folk as singular (even though grammatically correct) is a tad
jarring. Folks is more common around here. For example, "I'm going to My
Folks' house for dinner" means you are eating with your parents. "You folks
come on over for some beans and cornbread" means "All y'all are expected for
> > on RFC kind of gave me that acronym in 1998 when they
I wasn't involved in this group in 1998.
Miss Jean
I am TinyTownGoddess at alltel dot net.