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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Healthy smoothie recipe : durian smoothie

jmcquown wrote:

> And if you've never smelled Durian before, be prepared to wear an oxygen
> mask

I'd seen discussion of durian here but never come across one in real
life before a few weeks ago. I was in Calgary at the Super Store. (For
those have never been, the place is a treat, like 10 specialty ethnic
groceries stores packed into one giant supermarket.) I saw the sign
saying durian before I located the actual item: a big brown spiky thing,
like the vegetable equivalent of a porcupine.

I'd heard about the smell so I approached cautiously and put my nose up
to it. I couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary. Is it a deal
where the odor is released when it is cut into?

I was dying to buy it to see what it was about, but my in-laws are
extremely non-experimental when it comes to food, and I never would have
gotten away with it.
